JUMBO-Textil is committed to ambitious sustainability standards.

JUMBO-Textil takes its role in society as a responsible company seriously. We do a lot. And we want to do more. This is why we have set ourselves concrete and ambitious sustainability targets – in all three dimensions, social, ecological and economic. We are looking to achieve a neutral climate footprint at our locations through our activities and the energy which we use by 2035. We work in a very serious and determined way to achieve these goals – for our planet and the people who live on it.

Sustainability – this is us.

Sustainability is a self-commitment for every one of us. We as a company are, and every individual is, committed to considering the sustainability aspects of our activities in everything we do as JUMBO-Textil employees. Sustainability – this is us.

We pursue a sustainability strategy that focuses on consistent change – in terms of our activities as a company, but also in the actions and thinking of all JUMBO-Textil employees. We look to engage and empower every one of us for our sustainability strategy and the actions derived from it. It is our common path.

Jens Klug, Sales Manager and
Sustainability Manager at JUMBO-Textil

People. Planet. Process.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, objectives of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development) cover all areas of sustainable development. From climate and environmental protection, through fair wages and health protection in all parts of the world, to sustainable production. The 17 SDGs in total describe indispensable goals for the world in which we live and seek to promote. This is why we orient our actions on the SDGs, in order to comprehensively and safely guide our sustainability activities. After all, every sustainability goal is important. And as a company, we are an important actor in its implementation.

In the JUMBO-Textil code of behaviour, we – every company employee – committed to our sustainability goals. For us to achieve these ambitious goals, we need to break them down into concrete sub-steps which are achievable in terms of time and defined. We set ourselves binding and auditable standards.


White lettering on a red background: 1 No poverty, below a pictogram various people: An old gentleman with a walking stick, a girl, two women, a boy and a man.
White writing on an ochre background: 2 Zero hunger, below a pictogram of a bowl with three dashes as steam
White lettering on a dark green background: 3 Good health and well-being, below a pictogram of a heartbeat line and a heart
Weiße Schrift auf dunkelrotem Hintergrund: 4 Hochwertige Bildung, darunter ein Piktogramm eines Buchs und eines Stifts.
Weiße Schrift auf rotem Hintergrund: 5 Geschlechtergleichheit, darunter das Piktogramm für weiblich und männlich, zusammengefügt und ein Gleichzeichen befindet sich im gemeinsamen Kreis
Weiße Schrift auf türkisem Hintergrund: 16 Sauberes Wasser und Sanitäreinrichtungen, darunter ein Piktogramm eines Wasserglases, welches zu einem Pfeil nach unten wird
Weiße Schrift auf gelbem Hintergrund: 7 Bezahlbare und saubere Energie, darunter ein Piktogramm einer Sonne, in der das Powersymbol gesetzt ist
Weiße Schrift auf dunkelrotem Hintergrund: 8 Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschafts-Wachstum, darunter ein Piktogramm eines Balkendiagramms, worüber ein Pfeil verläuft
Weiße Schrift auf mangetafarbenem Hintergrund: 10 Weniger Ungleichheiten, darunter ein Gleichzeichen, von dem jeweils nach links, rechts, oben und unten ein Pfeil ausgeht

We are committed to ensuring that people live and work in a healthy and safe way wherever they are in the world.

We are expressly committed to human rights, labour and social standards. As expressed in the key occupational standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Social standards in our company

In our production facilities in Germany, we set the highest occupational and health protection standards. The actions start with noise protection in production and extend through to ergonomics at the computer workplaces. Regular safety inspections and occupational safety training raise our employees’ sensitivity for occupational health and safety. All actions are regularly audited by our internal safety officers and an external coordinator for occupational health and safety.

Our employees participate in important decisions through our works council. Tariff-based payment is a matter of course for us. Wherever possible, we support our employees with modern working models. This allows them to organize their working model individually and flexibly. On top of this, we provide them with high quality and healthy meals. Our company health management also includes the company’s own fitness offer and our work bicycles: Anyone who wants to can use a JUMBO-Textil leasing bike for their commute to work and for private trips.

Social standards in our supply chain

We are dedicated – also beyond the boundaries of our own actions – to ensuring that human rights, occupational and social standards apply to everyone. When we choose our business partners, we pay attention to their sustainability standards. We strongly encourage them to sign our sustainability agreement and support them in their endeavours to respect human and occupational rights. We committed to this by signing the German textile and fashion industry’s Code of Conduct. Our sustainability standards have been audited in the areas of environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement and have been awarded the Ecovadis Gold sustainability rating. We use the SAQ (Self-Assessment Questionnaire) to validate our sustainability standards via the NQC platform, especially for the automotive industry. The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act is aimed at significantly larger companies than JUMBO-Textil. But we still use it on a voluntary basis as a guideline for our activities. This is how we contribute towards continuously improving conditions for humans. No matter what place in the world they live and work at.


Weiße Schrift auf dunkelgrünem Hintergrund: 13 Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz, darunter ein Piktogramm eines Auges, in dessen Pupille die Erde ist
Weiße Schrift auf blauem Hintergrund: 14 Leben unter Wasser, darunter ein Piktogramm eines Fischs unter Wasser
Weiße Schrift auf grünem Hintergrund: 15 Leben an Land, darunter ein Piktogramm eines Baums und Vögel

We are dedicated to preserving the earth as a habitat, and not just for people.

Our climate goals: JUMBO-Textil will be a CO2eneutral company by 2040, and not just at our locations in Sprockhövel and Wuppertal.

Sustainable energy sources

At our head office in Sprockhövel, we exclusively use green power. The electricity for our production and administration in Sprockhövel is generated from solar, wind and water power. We also generate heat in a climate-neutral way: via CO2e-compensation, we finance measures that offset unavoidable emissions.

Yarns from recycled materials

As our contribution to environmental protection, we are increasingly processing yarns made from recycled plastics in our products. Thanks to Newlife by Sinterama and Repetable™ by Noyfil, we already have access to recycled yarns for braiding, grids and nets today. Repetable™ is made of 85 percent post-consumer PET bottles, that is, of used plastic bottles, while this is even 100 percent for Newlife. By 2040, we seek to multiply the use of recycled yarns of this kind.

Ecological planting

Our contribution towards protecting biodiversity is made by the numerous insects and other meadow animals in the wildflower meadow around our head office. Together with the city of Sprockhövel, we have been able to expand this even further: the city provided the neighbouring property for this purpose, while the seeds came from us. Our “bee meadow” is a colourful piece of the earth. One look out the window and we know exactly why sustainable management is so close to our hearts.


Weiße Schrift auf orangenem Hintergrund: 9 Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur, darunter ein Piktogramm von vier Würfeln. Zwei in der Mitte sind übereinander, jeweils rechts und links diagonal davor ist ein weiterer Würfel. Manche Seiten sind ausgefüllt, manche durchsichtig.
Weiße Schrift auf orangenem Hintergrund: 11 Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden, darunter Piktogramme eines Wohnhauses, Hochhauses, Hochhaus mit schrägem Dach und eines kleineren Gebäudes
Weiße Schrift auf mattorangenem Hintergrund: 12 Nachhaltiger Konsum und nachhaltige Produktion, das Unendlichkeitssymbol mit Pfeilspitze
Weiße Schrift auf blauem Hintergrund: 16 Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen, darunter ein Piktogramm einer Friedenstaube auf einem Richterhammer
Weiße Schrift auf dunkelblauem Hintergrund: 17 Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele, darunter fünf Kreise, die so angeordnet sind, dass sie wie eine Blume aussehen

We are committed to ensuring that our business activities are founded on fair, equitable and peaceful processes and structures along the entire value chain.

As a company, we do not act alone and autonomously. We share a given environment with other actors at a technological, infrastructural, social and political level. We rely on appropriate structures to achieve our sustainability goals. They include, for example, a sustainable transport infrastructure, a sustainable energy policy, funding for networks which research into sustainable products and raw material cycles, or the improvement of digital technologies. Standards which help fight corruption, international legal frameworks to assert human rights internationally and much more also provide an environment that stimulates sustainable business.

Structures for sustainable business

By transforming ourselves, we transfer the structures – and vice versa: we promote the expansion of such structures by consistently following our course of sustainability at JUMBO-Textil. And structures which promote sustainability make it easier for us to achieve our goals. Our research collaborations on narrow textiles made from recycled yarns, the solar plant which we are planning in the scope of our new construction, cooperation with the city of Sprockhövel on species protection are just a few examples of this reciprocal effect. In the scope of our networks, and in collaboration with partners, we contribute towards structures for sustainable business – from raw materials, through production and use of the product to its recycling or reusing.

A clear path to sustainability, transparent sustainability communication

JUMBO-Textil is powerful company with international operations and a global network. We exert an influence on the sustainable development of people, the environment, and economic structures. And we bear the responsibility associated with this. Our sustainability goals are very ambitious. And that is appropriate to us as JUMBO-Textil; it motivates us. We will implement in line with a clear-cut and carefully considered strategy, measure by measure – and we will report on our progress regularly and in a transparent way. Our message of self-commitment is: SUSTAINABILITY – this is us.


Mitarbeiterporträt von Jens Klug, Junior Sales Manager und Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragter bei JUMBO-Textil


Sales Manager and Sustainability Manager
Languages: German / English / Italian

7 Logos of sustainability standards and certifications