JUMBO-Textil and vombaur bundle their history of expertise under the joint umbrella of the Textation Group. The two traditional companies for sophisticated high-tech narrow textiles remain independent as companies and brands. In research projects, digitalisation and many other development projects, they use the knowledge transfer and efficiency advantages of the company to powerfully develop forward-looking solutions for their customers.

JUMBO history: on 1 December 2016, JUMBO-Textil GmbH & Co. KG moves its operations to a new site in Sprockhövel. The production systems on the ground floor consist of state-of-the-art technology. The work spaces for administration and sales on the first floor are also equipped with top-class facilities. Conference rooms flooded with light create a transparent and stimulating atmosphere for meetings; the employees’ canteen and roof terrace provide relaxing venues for breaks.
Perfect working conditions, enhanced production capacity, higher process efficiency, and innovative technology – all in place at the new JUMBO building. The best preconditions for developing textile solutions at the highest quality for our customers.

Groundbreaking in Sprockhövel: construction of the new company headquarters starts on the 13,500 m2 premises. JUMBO-Textil GmbH & Co. KG’s future location is ideally situated on the outskirts of the city of Wuppertal and with a perfect road connection to the Autobahn. Above all, the new site can help to achieve the best production and working conditions in terms of technology, climate, and ecology.

All divisions are merged to JUMBO-Textil GmbH & Co. KG. The large machine inventory, the skills to optimise machines and also produce material feed units in-house makes JUMBO-Textil GmbH & Co. KG a flexible provider of multi-layered solutions. Thanks to our stringent customer orientation, holistic thinking and actions as well as compliance with customer requirements in production we have developed into a popular developer of challenging, holistic, textile solutions. In close collaboration with our clients we transfer precisely defined functions, for instance in the automotive, commercial vehicle, railway and aviation industries, and manufacture products according to the specifications.

JUMBO celebrates its centenary. In the beginning, yard goods for narrow textiles, such as cords, strips and braids exclusively formed the basis of our business. Nowadays, we are also an innovative industry partner for high-tech solutions. We develop very special products to suit our customers’ special demands, e.g. in conjunction with non-textile components.
With more than 100 years of experience and innovative force JUMBO develops and produces customised, technical textiles for the most diverse applications.
JUMBO also applies its expertise to match customer requirements in terms of defined forces and elongation properties using elastic, narrow textiles in specific design spaces. We also meet the requirements for sustainable and reliable production processes.

Three new shareholders purchase the forward-thinking company with a long tradition. Andreas Kielholz as the managing director drives forward the company’s technical expertise and continues to evolve the quality management system. He has also developed additional markets for the company in terms of orthopaedics and medical technology by purchasing Clemens Sterthues GmbH in 2008.
Christoph Rehage takes over at the helm of the company as the sole managing director. During his time, that came to an end in 2005, the company obtained elements including its first DIN EN ISO 9000 certification.
JUMBO Textil GmbH is established as a sales company.

Christoph Rehage, the owner’s son, joins the company. He is an innovative spirit and gives the company further impetus for development through two important decisions: The introduction of an EDP system and the organisation through an enterprise resource planning system.
Margret Rehage, née Schnakenberg, takes over at the helm of JUMBO Textilwerke following the death of Alfred Rehage. Mr Teckenberg is her competent managing director. Both consider diversification their biggest challenge so the company does not depend on only one industry, the fashion industry. This strategy is successfully brought to life by consistent production diversification and the development of new markets.

A new, heavily important company representative appears: Jumbo, the elephant, is established as the company logo. This comes as a consequence of the company’s renaming to JUMBO-Textilwerke Alfred Schnakenberg.

The Rehage family, as a family of entrepreneurs, establishes cutting edge factory and office facilities in the East of Wuppertal (today’s site, until autumn 2016).

Alfred Schnakenberg about the company during the Second World War: “we were just lucky to emerge from this dark chapter of history almost unscathed.” After his death, his son-in-law, Alfred Rehage, took over at the helm of the company in 1946.
During the global economic crisis Alfred Schnakenberg renamed the company to: “Spezialfabrik gummielastischer Kordeln und Litzen”.

Alfred Schnakenberg focuses on developing the product range and the corresponding technical opportunities. Together with a business partner he invests in new braiding machines to produce elastic rubber items. As a result, they developed an additional segment with strong revenue potential for a successful future thanks to a heavily enhanced product range.
Alfred Schnakenberg establishes the company in Wuppertal. It is the era of successful textile production in this Germany’s richest city of the time. The company’s ribbons, liner tapes, straps and edging for clothing are proving very popular. The weaving department also produces the so-called Barmer Bogen, a special type of embroidery with an arching edge.