People, Planet, Process


JUMBO-Textil pursues ambitious sustainability goals

ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance. The abbreviation is closely related to what is known as the EU taxonomy. This is because the EU Directive classifies economic activities in terms of their sustainability, applying environmental, social and governance criteria. The standards are designed to facilitate investments in economic activities that promote environmental protection, social justice and good corporate governance.

Standards for the environment, social matters and governance

Environment relates to the company’s impact on climate and biodiversity, on the use of energy and resources, etc. Social relates to the relationship to the workforce, customers, suppliers, residents, etc., that is, it investigates working conditions, human rights, inclusion and a company’s social commitment. Ethical principles, compliance issues, transparency, leadership topics, and others, are considered under the heading of Governance.

Sustainability – this is us.

People, Planet, Process – these three words have allowed us to integrate the ESG topics into our sustainability statement. In this statement, we have set ourselves ambitious sustainability targets and derived concrete measures to which we are expressly committed. We apply the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the EU ESG criteria to review, assess and manage the impact of our actions.


We expect our suppliers to commit to strict social standards with our Sustainability Agreement . This is how we contribute towards continuously improving conditions for the people who work for these suppliers. The highest social standards for occupational health and safety apply at our own locations We have our own fitness program and offer healthy meals to additionally ensure the well-being of our workforce.


We contribute to environmental protection and the conservation of resources with green electricity, CO2e compensation, increasing numbers of products made from recyclable and recycled materials and many other measures. And we are heading towards our climate target: by 2035, we will be working in a climate-neutral way in line with Scope 1 and 2.


We are committed – also beyond our company – to sustainable and transparent processes and structures – from raw materials to production and to utilising the products through to reuse or recycling. Within the framework of our cooperations, wherever we can do so, we make an impact in terms of sustainability. And our partners are aware of and appreciate this.

“Certifications such as Ecovadis Gold and SAQ are proof of our high sustainability standards. And we will continue to energetically push forward our sustainability activities,” as Jens Klug, Sustainability Officer at JUMBO-Textil states. “We want to reach our sustainability target. The sooner the better, and by 2040 at the latest. Sustainability – this is us.

Photos: JUMBO-Textil

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