
With elasticated cords and cables by JUMBO-Textil

Whether on the trampoline or rowing machine, whether at the weight station or on the treadmill, whether with an expander or gymstick, whether at home or in the gym – exercise on and with equipment is extremely efficient and extremely popular.

Essential component: JUMBO textiles

Elastics can be used to convert kinetic energy into potential energy. This is why elastic cords and cables are some of the essential components of almost all fitness equipment and tools. After all, it is the elasticity of the trampoline cords that gives the jumping-sheet its necessary force. Only elasticated expander cords create the desired resistance of the classic strength training equipment.

Non-elastic cords by JUMBO-Textil – depending on type and design – are essential as tension and connection elements for the functionality of fitness equipment. Textile components are often also an integral part of the equipment technology as fastening or fixing systems.

Textile materials: highly flexible, high tenacity, skin-friendly

There are good reasons why narrow textiles are used so frequently in the fitness and rehabilitation sector: compared to other materials, they offer decisive advantages: they are flexible. They are safe. They are light. They are durable. And – they are skin-friendly and have low injury potential. Unlike the steel springs on a trampoline, a rubber rope does not need additional sheathing.

Jump and Run with JUMBO's elastic cords

Optimum force-elongation ratio, optimum training – with elastics by JUMBO-Textil

Elastic cords and cables for fitness, recreation and rehab:

  • Lightweight and flexible
  • Safe and durable
  • Precisely definable force-elongation behaviour
  • Easy to use in confined spaces
  • Skin-friendly, low injury potential
  • Weather resistant
  • Flexible with a wide variety of connections

We are your solution provider: the force-elongation ratio of elastic cords and cables – like all other properties – is specified individually and optimally for the respective application. Depending on the specific requirements of the narrow textiles in the respective product, expert teams develop cords and cables made of high-tech fibres and on high-tech equipment: technical textiles that are a perfect fit for the equipment and its functions. “Whether it’s professional training, rehab exercise or recreational fun – people need to be able to move safely, healthily and with pleasure on and with their fitness equipment,” explains Marc Lienkamp, Sales Manager New Business at JUMBO-Textil. “And that requires narrow textile components that offer a perfect fit.”

Photo top: ImagoPhoto / stock.adobe.com
Photo bottom: Drobot Dean / stock.adobe.com


