JUMBO-Textil 4.0
In the scope of the AddiTex cooperative project, JUMBO-Textil is contributing to research into additive production of technical textiles and textile components.
Additive production is a central process in Industry 4.0. It involves depositing the material layer by layer on the basis of digital 3D design data and thus building up the respective component. The technology offers numerous options for optimizing products and production processes. The method is not yet being used in the textiles industry, as the filaments currently available on the market do not sufficiently meet the industry requirements specified for them.
Additive production in the textiles industry
The AddiTex cooperative project is now researching into the options for using additive production to manufacture technical textiles. In collaboration with partners from science and industry, functional textiles for technical applications are being developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology (UMSICHT); the textiles can be created using additive methods. And JUMBO-Textil is on board.
Partnership for innovative materials development
Tailored components made of narrow textiles and plastics for technical applications, the application of 3D structural elements for textile sun protection and soundproofing, and the application of modified mould reinforcements for protective and functional clothing are three issues that the cooperative project is looking to solve. The specific challenge consists of meeting the strict quality requirements for industrially produced goods, in materials and filament development, in terms of stability, durability and surface quality.
Optimized products, optimized processes
“We are very excited to be taking part on behalf of the textiles industry as a partner in the on-going development of this innovative production method,” as the Managing Director of JUMBO-Textil, Andreas Kielholz, explained. “At the end of the day, what we expect from the project is the ability to develop digital, industry-capable production processes for textile composite products. For example for applications in the field of sports, protective and safety clothing, but also in the automotive sector. And we expect more than just a functional improvement in technical textiles from this. The textiles industry would also be able to optimize production processes through the use of additive production methods by removing the need for production steps such as cutting, sewing in, or adhesion bonding of functional components.”
JUMBO-Textil project partners:
BARLOG plastics GmbH (project coordinator) | Junkers & Müllers GmbH | JUMBO-Textil GmbH & Co. KG | Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT | Faculty of Textile and Clothing Technology (FTB) at Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences
Note on grants
»AddiTex« is supported by a grant from the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia using funds from the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRE) 2014-2020 »Investments in Growth and Employment«. Project owner: LeitmarktAgentur.NRW • Project owner Jülich.
Photos below: JUMBO-Textil